Tips for Starting a Side Hustle While You Job Search

Finding the right job isn’t always a walk in the park, and for some, the process might take longer than others. Regardless of your reason for being unemployed, there are many ways to continue your growth and development while hunting for your new position.


Freelance and part-time work opportunities are on the rise, and planning a side hustle job could create much-needed exposure as well as a possible income stream. Consider the following tips when starting a side-hustle while you job search:


  • Choose a Project That Aligns With Your Skills


A project that will showcase your skills can even assist with your job search process. For instance, if you are looking for a job as a digital designer; why not update your portfolio by taking on freelance design jobs. Reach out to those in your network that might be temporarily in need of your skills.


  • Document Your Journey


Although it might not be lucrative, documenting your job search journey through a blogging platform might give you the perspective you need and help you maintain a proactive attitude. These posts could highlight your experience and help you verbalise your business and career needs. It could also help others that are embarking on the same journey which will create a sense of community.


  • Collaborate With Like Minded Individuals

If you are still seeking a permanent position at a company, it might help to collaborate with others while waiting for the right job opportunity. This way you could make use of their structure and connections while still adding value. For instance, if you’re a web developer; connect with entrepreneurs within your circle and see where you could help out.


  • Consider the Possibility of Change

Part of a side hustle is about exploring alternatives. Instead of feeling like your future is being controlled by companies or recruiters, you might find yourself experiencing a sense of empowerment. Consider that your entrepreneurial spirit might arise and there could be an opportunity to transform a side hustle into a full-time career.


  • Minimum Input for Maximum Results

The most important thing is to not over-commit or overwhelm yourself during the process, especially if you still have your eyes set on a permanent position. Don’t choose a part-time business venture that will cost you too much money or time. Ideally, it should be a project that can hit the ground running and wouldn’t need too much capital or resources to manage.


Ideas for Side Hustle Projects While You Job Search:

  • Create an eBook on your business expertise. If you worked as a social media manager, why not create a resource to help others. There a various ways to sell eBooks online.
  • Offer a consultation service. Consultancy is a very popular field at the moment, and with your experience, you can help other businesses grow by offering consultation sessions.
  • Apply for freelance or remote jobs. You never know which project might turn into a full-time position.
  • Affiliate Marketing partnerships and programs. Find a brand, product or cause that you like and become an affiliate as an additional stream of income.
  • Do you have practical skills that are in demand? Why not offer to tutor students within your field of expertise.
  • Selling and reselling goods on Amazon.


These are just a few ways in which you can side hustle while searching for the perfect job. If you are struggling to decide which direction to go in; we’d love to assist. Also, if you’ve managed a side-business, we’d love to hear about it, drop us a line.


May 31, 2017 | Vuk’uzenzele

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