Tenders are hereby invited in terms of Section 112 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 read with the uMlalazi Supply Chain Management Policy to undertake the following:
Tender Description: Appointment of a Panel for a period of three (3) years for Electrical Contractors to carry out Urban/Rural Electrification Projects/Electrical Repairs within the Municipal area.
Tender Number: 31/20/21
CIDB Grading: 2 EP or Higher.
Compulsory briefing session: There will be no briefing session.
Closing Date and Time: Monday, 22 February 2021 at 12:00 at 11 KV Challenor Street, Eshowe.
Functionality Criteria:
- Experience of bidder = 25 points
- Project team expertise = 20 points
- Methodology = 10 points
- Location of Company = 10 points
- Experience of bidder = 30 points
- Qualification = 10 points
- Workshop = 10 points
- Location of Company = 10 points
Sealed tenders endorsed TENDER NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION must reach the Municipal Manager, uMlalazi Municipality, and be hand delivered and placed in the tender box at the Municipal Buildings, KV Challenor Street, Eshowe, by no later than 12:00 on the above stipulated date.
Prospective tenderers are requested to take note that the directives applicable in respect of the B-BBEE as prescribed in the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017. These tenders will be evaluated on functionality as specified in the tender document and thereafter bidders who score the minimum required number of points will be further evaluated on the above stipulated point system. Registration on the Councils database is preferred prior to the submission and closing of the tender. It is the responsibility of the tenderer to ensure that the database registration documents are received by the Supply Chain Management Office.
Further information in this regard can be obtained from: The Supply Chain Management Unit, on tel: (035) 473 3300 ext. 3445. Tenderers are requested to register on Central Supplier Database (CSD).
Tender documents will be e-mailed subject to receipt of proof of payment or collected at the Municipal Offices in Butcher Street (Engineering Services Department), Eshowe, on Monday to Fridays from 09h00 to 12h00. Tender documents will be available from 25 January 2021 up to 01 February 2021 at a cost of R500.00. Only EFT Payments will be accepted and must be made on or before 16:00 the last day of purchasing tender document. Proof thereof must be submitted to: to reserve a tender document. Payment may be deposited to uMlalazi Municipality as per the following bankingdetails: First National Bank; Account Number: 52191090523, Branch: 220230. (Use company name as reference).
Compulsory briefing session: There will be NO briefing session. Kindly contact Mr Jaap Le Grange, on this number: (035) 473 3410 during normal office hours.
Tenderers are required to comply with and meet the minimum threshold requirements in respect of Local Production and Content for all Designated Sectors on Declaration Certificate (MBD6.2).
Late tenders, telegraphic or facsimiled tenders WILL NOT be accepted.
Canvassing in the gift of council is strictly prohibited and will lead to disqualification of tenders. UMlalazi Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest bid or any other bid and reserves the right to accept the whole/part of the bid.
NOTICE NO. 34/20/21