Bid No. and Description: BID NO. IYM01/03/2021T: CONSTRUCTION OF RECREATION PARKS. NOTICE NO: 39/2021
Closing Date and Time: 12:00 on Wednesday, 31 March 2021.
Evaluation: The bids will be evaluated on the 80/20 Preferential Points System. Bidders that do not obtain a minimum score of 70% on the functionality criteria will be excluded from further evaluation. Functionality will be as follows:
- Experience of the company in the providing construction work = 40
- Must have resources or finance to carry out the job = 10
- Expertise and qualifications of project team = 10
- Location = 20
Bid documents may be obtained at a non-refundable cost of R300.00 from the Cashiers, No. 1 JA Calata Street, Cradock, 5880, before closing date and time as above. Cashier operating hours are from 09h00 to 15:00.
Bids in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the relevant BID NO AND DESCRIPTION, must be placed in the bid box at the Registry Office during office hours at No. 1 JA Calata street, Cradock, 5880, before closing time where after bids will be opened.
Prospective bidders must be registered on the Central Supplier Database (CSD). Failure to comply shall render the bid null and void. Failure to submit any compulsory document(s) shall render the bid null and void.
No late, incomplete, facsimile or e-mail bids will be accepted for consideration. The only or lowest bid received shall not necessarily be accepted.