BID NO: NKA/TEC007/2020/21
Nkandla Local Municipality seek to appoint qualified, experienced and competent service providers to undertake a turnkey solutions for Nkandla Electrification Projects for a period of 36 months.
Specifications: The appointed bidder will cater for: Design, survey, construct, and commission all electrical infrastructure complete, including compilation of all information to successfully upload customers (PCS File) required for reporting of energized connections for the electrification of new connections in the Nkandla Municipal Area.
The physical address for collection of tender documents is Nkandla Municipality, Finance Department Main Building, Lot 292, Maree Road, Nkandla, upon presentation of a receipt proving prior payment of a non-refundable fee of R710.00 (inclusive of VAT), having been made at the Municipal Finance Department (Only Cash accepted), or can also be deposited in the Municipal bank account FNB, Account Number: 62720610717 quoting bid number and company name as a reference. Tender documents will be available as from 09h00 on Monday the 05th of July 2021 until 16h00 on Tuesday the 27th of July 2021.
Tender documents shall be placed in a sealed envelopes, endorsed with the TENDER NUMBER AND PROJECT NAME and be placed in the Tender Box at the Municipal Offices, Lot 292, Maree Road, Nkandla, not later than Wednesday at 12h00 on the 28th July 2021 (closing date). Due to COVID 19 no public opening will be held, however the results of the opening will be e-mailed to all responded bidders within 24 hours after the closing date. Late, electronic or faxed tenders will not be accepted.
Supporting Documents and Conditions for the above bids: • Proof of registration to the National treasury central database • Valid Tax Clearance Certificate & SARS Compliance Tax PIN Issue Certificate, Certified BBBEE Certificate, Company registration document with directors IDs copies certified, Statement of municipal rates & Taxes Account, Company Profile, proof of registration with professional bodies and other compliance certificate must be submitted with the tender document • The Nkandla Local Municipality Supply Chain Management Policy will apply • The Council reserves the right to negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder and reserve the right not to appoint • Tender documents or Proposals that are late, incomplete, unsigned, faxed or e-mailed will not be accepted or considered. The municipality will accept no responsibility for the late delivery of bids by courier services or any other forms of mailing • The Nkandla Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the bid 8 Tenders shall remain valid for 90 days from the closing date (28 July 2021) • All prices should be inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).
The above Bid will be evaluated and adjudicated according to the following criteria: • Returnable & Completeness then Functionality; 100% (minimum threshold of 70%) being 60% for Experience and 40% for Capacity.
Nkandla Local Municipality subscribes to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act No. 5 of 2000).
Specification queries should be directed to: N.M. Mnyandu on (035) 833 2063. E-mail: nmnyandu@nkandla.org.za and SCM enquiries: D.Z Msomi, tel. (035) 833 2015. E-mail: dmsomi@nkandla.org.za