Bids are hereby invited in terms of section 18(a) of the Msinga Municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy together with section 83 of the Municipal Systems Act, No.32 of 2000, as amended and read together with sections 110,111 and 112 of the Municipal Finance Management Act No.56 of 2003 for:
Tender: MS/2018/ 2019/092/ 951/T
CIDB Grading requirement: 2GB ONLY
Evaluation Criteria: 80/20 and functionality
Documents availability date: 20 and 22 March 2019
Date and time of briefing and compulsory site inspection: 28 March 2019 at 10:00, Municipal Offices.
Bid Document Price: R200 per document
Closing date and time: 05 April 2019 at 12:00
Tender documents will be obtainable from the office of SCM Unit, S Nkala on (033) 493 0761/2 during office hours. A non-refundable deposit of R200.00 cash or guaranteed cheque per document will be payable in favour of Msinga Municipality before obtaining a tender document. Compulsory site meeting commences at 10h00 at the Msinga Municipal offices, Tugela Ferry. Please note that no tender documents will be issued during and after the site inspection date.
All enquiries shall be directed to: Technical Officer, Ms. B. Ndlovu on (033) 493 0761/2.
Tenders must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Municipal Manager, Msinga Municipality and clearly marked: TENDER NUMBER AND NAME OF THE PROJECT, and the bidders name and details. Tenders must be deposited in the tender box at the office of Msinga Municipality on the main Road (R33) opposite MPCC, Tugela Ferry on or before 12h00 on the closing date and no late or faxed tenders will be considered.
Msinga Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest of any tender and reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the tender.