Supply and Delivery of Irrigation Material and Supply, Delivery and Installation of Fencing Material
BID NO: HGDA-LED01/18/19
Bids are hereby invited from suitably qualified service provider to quote for supply and delivery of Irrigation Material and supply, delivery and installation of Fencing Material.
This bid will be evaluated in terms of the 80/20 Preferential Procurement Point system and the points will be allocated as follows: 80 – Price, 20 – BBBEE.
Bid documents can be obtained from Supply Chain Unit from 07 February 2019 (Advert date) at Harry Gwala Development Agency Offices at a non-refundable cost of R100.00 per document.
DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID: * A certified copy of the most recent municipal account in which the business is registered. District municipality (water) and Local municipality (rates, electricity and other services) or letter from traditional authority stating that you are staying in rural areas you don’t pay for rates or letter from landlord stating that rates are not on your account but you are a tenant and you also running your company in that area • Company Registration with the Registrar of Companies and CC’s (CK) (Cipro/CIPC) • Certified copy of B-BBEE certificate or Sworn Affidavit (if B-BBEE Certificate or sworn affidavit is not attached or certified, preferential points won’t be allocated but won’t disqualify your proposal) * Central Supplier Database Registration Summary Report (unique number and supplier number) failure to submit CSD registration summary report will be deemed non-responsive • HGDA Supplier Database Registration if not registered.
* NB: Mandatory Documents
Bid documents must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the BID NUMBER AND CLOSING DATE, and dropped off in the tender box at the Harry Gwala Development Agency Offices, Sisonke Farmers Market, Erf 2226 Portion 27, Ellerton Farm, Ixopo, 3276 by no later than 22 February 2019 before 12h00.
Late or faxed bids WILL NOT be accepted and the Harry Gwala Development Agency reserves the right not to make an appointment. Failure to comply with the above conditions will invalidate your offer.
Harry Gwala Development Agency does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any proposal and reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the proposal, HGDA also reserves the right to appoint. Price quoted must be valid for 90 days.
Award of the tender may be subjected to price negotiation with preferred tenderer(s).
Enquiries may be directed to the following persons during office hours (08h00 – 16h30) Monday to Thursday and Friday (08h00 – 15h00).
Technical enquiries: Ms N. Molefe, on tel. (039) 834 1510/2740.
Procedure related enquiries: S. Gumede, on tel. (039) 834 1510/2740.
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