BID NO: NKA/BTO001/2019/20
Suitably qualified, experienced and registered companies are hereby invited to submit proposal to the Nkandla Municipal for the following: Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of a human resource management system payroll inclusive of support services for a period of 36 months.
Bids and proposals documents will be available at Cashiers’ offices located at LOT 292, Maree Road, Nkandla as from 09h00 on Thursday, 15 August 2019 at a non-refundable fee of R710.00 will be charged per document (cash only).
Proposals are to be completed in accordance with the specification and must be SEALED AND MARKED WITH THE BID NUMBER, and must be deposited in the Municipal tender box situated at the reception area of the Nkandla Municipality, LOT 292 , Maree Road, Nkandla not later than 12h00 on Tuesday, 10 September 2019, at which time proposals will be opened in public. The name and address of the bidder must be clearly written on the sealed envelope containing the bid. Late proposals or proposal received by way of post, facsimile or e-mail will, under no circumstances be considered.
EVALUATION CRITERIA: Nkandla Local Municipality subscribes to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act No. 5 of 2000) read with the revised Preferential Procurement Regulations Gazette No. 27636, 30 May 2005. The 80/20 Preference Point System shall be applicable during the evaluation and adjudication of proposals. All prices should be inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).
• First stage – returnable and completeness then functionality 100% (minimum threshold of 70%) being 50 % for experience and 50% for capacity.
• Second stage – Preferential Points System (80/20); 80 for Price and 20 for B BBEE contribution status level allocated. Only bidders who pass the first stage with a minimum of 70% will then be evaluated further in the second stage.
The Nkandla Local Municipality does not bind itself to accepting the lowest, or any bid, either wholly or in part or give any reason for such action. The Municipality further reserve the right not to award this bid