Zululand District Municipality
Bids are hereby invited from suitable service providers of the following Zululand District Municipality project:
Tender Ref. No: ZDM 001/2021
Tender Name and Details: USUTHU RWSS: WARD 14 NONGOMA PH 2 The project comprises the installation of approximately 32 050 m of HDPE pipes ranging from 50 mm to 90 mm. In addition, the installation of 514 No yard stand connections as well as all associated fittings, isolating valves, air valves, scours valves, etc.
CIDB Grading Requirement: Minimum 5CEPE, 6CE or higher
Work on this contract will be in terms of the principles laid down by the Expanded Public Works Programme whereby the use of sustainable, labour intensive methods utilizing resources from the target community is to be optimized.
Prospective tenderers are required to collect tender documents at the briefing session at Zululand District Municipality offices, Lot B-400 Gagane Street, Ulundi, 3838 on Wednesday, 11 August 2021. Tenderers are not required to travel in convoy
to site in compliance with Covid-19 regulation protocol, however the locality files will be provided with the document. Tenderers wishing to attend the clarification meeting are to strictly adhere to the following procedures that have been put in place in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic Regulations:
Documents can be procured by making a purchase via EFT before 12h00 on 13 September 2021 into the following Zululand DM account:
Account Holder: Zululand District Municipality
Bank Name: ABSA Bank
Account Number: 404 716 2045
Branch Code: 632005
Reference: ZDM 001/2021 & Company Name Tenders are to use the Tender number and the Company name as the reference. E.g. 001/2021 – Company X and forward proof of payment to marilize@raws.co.za and nsithole@zululand.org.za. No cash will be accepted.
Tenderer’s can start collecting tender documents from 09 September 2021, during office hours (08h00am to 16h00pm) until 14 September 2021 before 10h00am upon presentation of a valid proof of payment which will be cross checked against the list of
cleared payments.
A compulsory briefing meeting will take place on 14 September 2021 at 10h00 at the Zululand District Municipality Offices, B400 UGagane Street Ulundi, 3838.
Attendance at the clarification meeting will be limited to 1 person per company. To reserve a place companies are to submit request via e-mail to marilize@raws.co.za, providing the company name, full name of attendee’s, copy of the attendees’ ID and proof of payment of the tender document, before 13 August 2021 at 12h00.
Numbers will be limited to a maximum 40 attendees per meeting, and response in excess of this limit will necessitate more than one clarification meeting to be held. Attendees will be screened, must wear a mask, and are to adhere to strict social distancing measures.
R1 300.00 non-refundable deposit (eft only) is required for each tender document drawn.
Enquiries can be directed to: Mr G. van Rooyen (RAWS Conulting Engineres) on tel: (034) 982 3425, during office hours. Further enquiries may be directed to: The SCM Manager: Mr K. Thusi on tel: (035) 874 5557, during office hours. Supply Chain Management enquiries can be directed to: The Chief Accountant Supply Chain Management: Mrs Nomsa Sithole on tel: (035) 874 5516, during office hours.
Tender Closing Date: 12h00 on Wednesday, 06 October 2021.
Duly completed tender documents sealed in an envelope marked with the tender number and the closing date are to be deposited into the tender box at Zululand District Municipality, Lot B-400 Gagane Street, Ulundi, 3838 by no later than 12h00 on the closing date where they will be opened in public. Telegraphic, telefaxed or posted tenders will not be accepted.
Tenderers are required to achieve at least 30% Contract Participation Goals (CPG) including a minimum of 5% Black Women Participation of the value of goods, services and works paid to one or more enterprises (CPG Partner/s) as agreed with Zululand District Municipality before contract award. Tenderers who are the main contractor (irrespective of B-BBEE classification) are not exempt from this requirement and are still required to have a CPG Partner.
Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation that is issued. Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivering, opening and assessment of tenders are stated in the Tender Data.
80/20 Preference Point System will be applicable for this tender/contract.
This tender will be evaluated on compliance (returnables and completeness) and functionality. The Criteria as stipulated in the “Functional Evaluation Criteria, will be applicable for each functionality and compliance. The maximum weight of each Criterion is indicated in the tender document. Any tenderer who scores less than 70% in respect of “functionality” will be regarded as submitting a non-responsive tender and will be disqualified. Note that only tenderers who comply administratively (returnables and completeness of document) shall move to the compliance stage.
The stipulated minimum threshold for local production and content for this bid is 80%.
The Bid Committee of Zululand District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.